Illinois Primitive Baptist Association, organized in September 2014, at Pleasant Grove Church; second session held same place; third annual session convened September 3-4, 2016, at Crooked Creek Church, Clay County, Illinois; fourth session held at the Carthage Church, 220 S. Scofield Street, Carthage, Illinois, on the first weekend in September, 2017. The fifth annual session was held at the Carthage Church, 220 S. Scofield Street, Carthage, Illinois, on the first weekend in September 2018. The sixth annual session was held at the Carthage Church, 220 S. Scofield Street, Carthage, Illinois, on the first weekend in September 2019. The seventh annual session (abbreviated due to concerns caused by the contagious flu virus) was held at Crooked Creek Church, Clay County, Illinois, on the second weekend in August 2020. The eighth annual session was held at Pleasant Grove Church, 3506 Nation Road, Salem, Illinois, September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2021. The ninth annual session was held at Carthage Church, 220 S.Scofield Street, Carthage, Illinois, September 2, 3, and 4, 2022. The tenth annual session was held with Crooked Creek Church, near Iola, Clay County, Illinois, on September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2023. The eleventh annual session was held with the Carthage Church, Hancock County, Illinois, August 30th, 31st, and September 1st, 2024.


We hope to hold meetings in several of these eight Districts in Illinois. We are already holding regular meetings in four of the eight Districts.

First Northeastern - Chicago District

REPORT: Minutes have been prepared, showing the meetings which were held at LaSalle-Peru (LaSalle County), Rochelle (Ogle County) and Sycamore (Dekalb County), between January 2016 and July 2018.

First Northwestern - Sandy Creek District

REPORT: The first District Meeting in this District was held at Providence Church, Howardsville, Stephenson County, Illinois, August 21st, 2022, at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at the church. We had a very good day, with several visitors, which really lifted our spirits. Minutes of this meeting have been printed. The First Northwestern Association included meetings in northwestern Illinois and southwestern Wisconsin.. The Sandy Creek Association was from Kewanee to Modena, to Magnolia & Hennepin, to LaSalle-Peru, to Ottawa, to Elmwood, to Toluca, to Tiskilwa, to Morris, to Fisher.

Spoon River - Salem - Mt. Gilead District

REPORT: A District Meeting was held at the Carthage Church, in Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois, on November 26, 2023, at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at the church. Minutes have been prepared. The Illinois Association met with the Carthage Church, on the first Sunday in September 2024, and Friday and Saturday before, in its eleventh annual session.

Skillet Fork - Little Wabash District

REPORT: The tenth annual session of the Illinois Association was held with Crooked Creek Church, one mile south of Iola, Clay County, Illinois, on September 1st-3rd, 2023.

Arrangements are pending for a District Meeting at Mt. Pleasant Church, near Burnt Prairie, White County, Illinois.

Sangamon - Morgan - Concord District

REPORT: We held a District Meeting at Springfield on January 29, 2023. A very good meeting, enjoyed by all who were present. Minutes have been printed.

Muddy River - Bethel District

Arrangements for meetings, if any, left to the pastors and churches in the area.

Wabash - Big Spring - Central District

Arrangements for meetings, if any, left to the pastors and churches in the area.

Illinois - Kaskaskia District

Arrangements for meetings, if any, left to the pastors and churches in the area.

Western District of Iowa

Arrangements for meetings, if any, left to the pastors and churches in the area.


This page maintained by: Robert Webb - (