History of the Tygart's Valley Association of West Virginia
Beverly, Randolph Co., Va., May 12th, 1838.
DEAR BROTHER:--Having received yours of April 9th, informing me of the miscarriage of our communication sent to you for publication, having laid the same before the church, they have accordingly authorized me to send you another copy for publication, which you will insert. It is also the wish of the church to invite travelling ministers who may pass through this section, and are friendly to our course of procedure, to give us a call, in Tygart's Valley, Randolph County, Virginia.
A full copy of the proceedings of the Valley Baptist Church, as recorded relative to the difference between this Church and the Union Association of Virginia, under date of the several meetings at which they were transacted, to which is occasionally added some explanatory remarks by the Clerk.
June 13th, 1835. On motion of Brother Collett, that this Church say whether they will permit preachers to preach in our meeting house who are employed to superintend the business of Missionary, Tract, Bible, Temperance, and such like Societies or not. REMARK:--This was referred until the next meeting.
July 11th, 1835. Took up the reference from last meeting, and by the permission of the Church the motion was withdrawn, and a motion was adopted to appoint three Brethren, to wit: Thomas Collett, George Wiese, and Elijah Kittle, to write our Letter of Correspondence and therein form a query to the Association, to contain the substance of the motion, withdrawn. REMARK: The query was formed in the following words, viz:
Is it agreeable to the word of God, and to the will of this Association, for ministers of our body while acting under the impulse of the decision of thi Association respecting her becoming a member of the General Association of Virginia, to hire themselves to that, or any other body of the benevolent societies of the day, and go forth publickly propagating, defending, and attending to their concerns, under the idea of preaching the gospel. REMARK: The Church failed sending this letter and query to the Asociation, and it was again inerted in our letter to that body in 1836, and also, a notice of the passing of the following Preamble of the Church.
November 7th, 1835. The Church took into consideration the propriety of refusing the privilege of preaching in our meeting house, to such missionary characters, as are engaged in the benevolent institutions of these days, such as, Bible, Tract, Temperance, and Education Societies,and Sunday School Union, and all such institutions, having for their object the collection of wealth of any kind, to evangelize the world. The question being taken shall we refuse or not, it was decided in the affirmative.
March 11th, 1837. The Church took into consideration the propriety of receiving the Committee appointed by the Association to visit this Church respecting the query and remarks contained in our letter to the last Association; and the vote being taken, it was decided by a majority that we will not hear them.
April 8th, 1837. A motion was made by Brother Jacob Kittle, to pass this resolution, viz: Resolved, That this Church refuse all union and communion with any person, or body of persons, who may unite with, or support any benevolent institution of the present day, so-called. REMARK: This resolution was referred to the May meeting, then until June, at which time all the members present voted for adoping the resolution.
June 10th, 1837. And on the vote being called to adopt, for adopting 30, against it, none. The Church appointed the Clerk to copy the proceedings of the Church, (agreeable to the wish of the Committee sent to this Church by the Association,) and thereunto annex some of our reasons for the same, and bring it before our next meeting for the inspection of the Church.
A true copy of all relative matters.
Some reasons why the Valley Church refuses fellowship with the Union Baptist Association.
Considering the inconsistency of her conduct in first refusing membership with the General Association of Virginia, and then allowing her ministers to unite with that and all othr kinds of societies, styled benevolent, so far as to destroy the real benefits of a preached gospel; and as it were, mocking God by employing much of their time which should be spent in divine service, to the defence and support of those several societies prevalent; some, even to the denying those fundamental doctrines which this Association was constitutued upon, as they are contained in the Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith, all of which things, we as a Church deem unscriptural and contrary to the useages of former Baptist. A departure from comon useage without precept therefore; and from the zeal with which such conduct was supported at the last Association, we are left without hope of their return to that spiritual mode of government and preaching in which she formerly stood. A striking proof of this is seen in the selection of the Committee sent to this church by the Association, in their choosing such persons as were the greatest advocates of these innovations, therefore we feel ourselves under Scriptural injunction, "touch not, taste not, handle not, which all are to perish, with using after the commandments and doctrine of men."
According to the appointment of the Church, by