Actions of the Tallahatchie Association
Actions of the Tallahatchie Association in dealing with Chewalla Church:
1997 - As no one was there to represent Chewalla Church, inquiry was made about that church. Brother Bill Welch, clerk of Morris Memorial Church and clerk of our last session of the association, read a letter he had received from West Plains Church, Milan, Tennessee. This letter stated that they had labored with Raleigh Church, Memphis, Tennessee, about their accepting some members baptized by a disorderly minister. Raleigh Church refused the request of West Plains Church to correct this matter. Therefore, West Plains Church had declared non-fellowship with Raleigh Church and their pastor, Elder Grady Camp. Brother Welch read a letter stating that Morris Memorial Church had complained to Chewalla Church for using Elder Camp to preach for them. They asked Chewalla Church to correct this matter. No answer was received from Chewalla Church. However, Brother Welch said he had received a request from Chewalla Church that they be permitted to withdraw from the Tallahatchie Association. The messengers from Little Hope Church stated that their clerk had received a copy of the request sent to Morris Memorial Church. After some discussion, it was agreed to table the request of withdrawal from Chewalla Church for one year. Little Hope Church agreed to labor with Chewalla Church during the coming year as Morris Memorial Church had attempted to do.
1998 - Once again, no one was present to represent Chewalla Church. During the past year, Little Hope Church has tried to labor with Chewalla Church in an effort to restore them to orderly fellowship. Brother Edwin Jackson stated that those efforts were not successful and made a motion that we withdraw fellowship from Chewalla Church for disorderly conduct until they show repentance. This motion was seconded and carried.
2002: Indian Creek Church, Brighton, Tennessee, united with the Tallahatchie Association, as they continue on in the old paths.
Extracts Copied from Minutes of the Tallahatchie Association, 1997 and 1998.
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Robert Webb