Resolution of Greenwood Church, Minnieville, Prince William County, Virginia

Occoquan, Va., Feb. 22, 1890.

DEAR BROTHER WILTSHIRE:-Our church requestd me to send the following resolutions, to be published in the ADVOCATE, to let our dear brethren in Christ, whom He hath called with a holy calling - not according to our works, &c., our position in regard to the new and unscriptural things that some professing to be Primitive Baptists are now advocating. By grace are we saved, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. He is an unchangeable God; therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. If the preached Word convicts and converts the poor dead sinner, why is it that all do not hear? Truly they have ears and hear not, eyes and see not - all like sheep have gone astray; and until the Spirit of God quickens them into life, all the institutions of men will never reach them; at least, if the poor, unworthy writer knows anything about this great work of salvation, it is all of grace; but I feel so poor and unworthy, and at times so cold, that it is all a delusion with me. When I see dear and able brethren, including preachers whom I dearly love, take these advanced positions, I think surely I am yet entangled on bondage. When I look back over the past twenty years, all was love, joy, peace, and gentleness; as it were I could see a Nathaniel afar off under the fig tree, how it made my poor heart leap with joy, and I could exclaim with one, "My soul doth magnify the Lord," and I could rejoice in God my Saviour; but we have been rebellious, and His chastening rod is upon us. He yet reigns, and will as long as He has a poor pilgrim plodding along through these low grounds of sorrow. A few more trials, a few more sorrows, and we will have passed over the river.

In conclusion, let me say to the dear brethren of the Ketocton Association, that I may never meet you again, as I sustained a fall from the cars on the 12th of last November, and have been housed all the winter, and can scarcely go on crutches now, but my prayer to God is, that we may be kept by His power through our few remaining days, so that when the summons comes, we may hear that welcome plaudit, "Come in, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

Your poor and afflicted brother, I trust,


The Greenwood Primitive Baptist Church, in church meeting assembled, this 2nd day of November, 1889, declare that -

WHEREAS, The Scriptures do plainly teach that God is the only Creator, Lawgiveer, and Savior, and by Him all things exist, and by Him only; the natural man receiveth not, and cannot know the things of the Spirit of God - that the sinner must have spiritual life in order to hear or to understand spiritual things; and

WHEREAS, Certain parties, claiming to be Primitive Baptists, have introduced the heresy known as Means and Instrumentalities in regeneration, which is, that the preached Word is a means by which sinners are quickened into life, thus perverting the Word of God; and,

WHEREAS, This said heresy, which caused the division among the Baptists in the first half of the present century, is again causing strife, contention, and will again bring division through the introduction of Missionary Societies, Female Missionaries, Sunday-schools, &c., the legitimate offspring of the heresy; therefore,

RESOLVED, That we do declare non-fellowship for this heretical doctrine, with all its consequent institutions as above named; and whilst our church, as a body, is firm and united, we hear of strife and division in our once lovely Zion; we do earnestly and prayerfully beseech such of our dear brethren as have been deceived into tolerance and support thereof, to go to God in prayer, and ask for guidance; brethren, reconsider and return in faith and fellowship to the end that peace, love, and joy may again bless the Zion of our God; and that sweet fellowship may be restored again in our afflicted Zion upon the foundation of truth as laid down in the Scriptures, and proclaimed by our Lord and Saviour and his Apostles, is our prayer.

Done by order of the Church at her meeting, Saturday, 2d day of November, 1889.



Copied fron "Zion's Advocate," 1890, pp. 56-57.

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