Elder Daniel Parkers remarks regarding the modern mission system.

I have observed four things that cannot be denied.
1. The errors which have flowed from the misled zeal, and from under the cloak of religion, are almost innumerable.
2. These errors have nearly all originated amongst the wise and learned.
3. They are more generally supported by arguments drawn from the wisdom of the world, than the authority of the Bible.
4. That when the scriptures are introduced as evidence, they are sure to be drawn in more to answer the plan of mans invention, than give the true meaning of Gods word; and so the error is better supported by the cunning craft of ingenious argument than the force of evidence.
In order to be well understood, I shall undertake the subject in the following manner.

1. To remove the prejudices that have arisen against us who oppose the mission system.
I am informed that we are charged with the following accusations:
1. That we are opposed to the spread of the gospel, among the heathen.
2. We are charged with opposing the translation of the scriptures, and the education of the heathen.
3. We are charged with holding a tyrannical principal, inasmuch as we are not reconciled to our brethren in their giving their money to the mission system.
4. It is said by some, that the Wabash Association had no right to interfere with the mission system in the way she did; or did not understand what she was doing.
2. To show what we stand opposed to, and what we are willing to do.
1. We stand opposed to the mission plan in every point where it interferes or is connected with the ministry, either in depending on the church to give them a call, or seminaries of learning to qualify them to preach, or an established fund for the preacher to look back upon for a support.
2. When the Board assumes authority to appoint the fields of their labor, we believe they sin in attempting a work that alone belongs to the Divine Being.
3. We believe the translation of the Bible, and civilization of the Indians, belong to the things of nature, and that it should be conducted under the direction of moral government, and not at the expense of religion.
4. We believe the colonization of the heathen ought to be conducted under the direction of civil government, not under the character of any society of religion whatever.
3. To understand what the Board intends to do, from the face of their constitution, and prove it by their doctrine and practice.
1. If they will but reflect one minute on the exalted title they are pleased to be known by, which is the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States of America. Is this not designed to convey to our understanding a mission given, and alone belongs to the ministry? Then we understand it is a society formed for the purpose of sending the ministry to foreign parts. In the title they bear, they claim the authority of the foreign ministry for the United States of America. This proves they claim the government of the mninistry and consequently arrests the government and authority Christ gave his church, for the first article of the constitution cites them to the general missionary convention for the Baptist denomination in the United States of America, for foreign missions. Here they have claimed the Baptist name and authority, which the Baptist union or government has never authorized them to do.
2. In the 13th article they claim the authority of domestic missions in our own country, but if we notice the 4th article, we will find they do not only claim the power, but deem it their duty to employ missionaries, by which I understand preachers, and take measures if necessary, for the further improvement of their qualifications, and fix on the field of their labors; also on the compensation to be allowed them for their services.
3. The principles of the Board are further understood by the 14th article of the constitution, which goes to prove they believe education essential to the gospel ministry, and their practice in the urgent resolutions in the Latter Day Luminary, No. 5, pages 234 and 235, goes to prove the fact, as well as urging us to form auxiliary societies, to give pious young men education to qualify them to preach.
4. Examine the principle evidences they introduce for its support.
1. The scriptures they introduce to justify themselves in qualifying, sending out, and supporting the missionaries.
- Jonah being sent to Nineveh; covenant of grace to Abrahams seed in all nations; the great commission; Acts 13, separate me Paul and Barnabas. These all prove God sends his ministers, not men or boards.
2. The evidences that justify them in their plan for collecting money in the manner they do, and keeping an established fund for that purpose.
- II. Kings, chapter 22; II. Chronicles, 24th chapter, and 34th chapter. Parker shows these all prove the Bible plan, not the mission plan.
3. The right of the titles and names of the officers in the mission system.
- Daniel called President. Parker comments that this done was under the tyranny of a heathen king, and is not the pattern we should follow.
5. Try the principle and practice of the Board in sending out preachers by the principle and practice of Christ and his apostles.
- Elder Parker discusses the false principles and practices of the Board on pages 24-36.
1. Parker shows that the mission system is according to the spirit of this world, not the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. The mission advocates say their principle is good because it is to send the gospel to the heathen, and by that means have heirs of glory begotten. Parker says this shows they are not willing to wait for God to bring it about. He reminds us of Abraham and Sarahs plan, Uzzi reaching for his hand to steady the ark, and Nadab and Abihu.
3. The mission plan does not require a calling of God, but relies on education at seminaries of learning (the opposite of how Paul describes himself), rather than God calling men and the church recognizing the call and ordaining.
4. The Board teaches their seminary students to look back for a support, while the Bible plan is for the ministry to receive support where he labors.
5. Heresies arising in seminaries of learning are not part of the church and not subject to its discipline, contrary to Bible teaching.
6. God holds the internal government of the ministry by the internal impressions made by his spirit, and has given the authority of the executive or external government of the ministry to his church.
7. The mission plan boasts of great zeal, but even if they sacrifice themselves it will not justify their false principle, without true thus saith the Lord in scripture.
8. The mission plan condemns those who oppose or do not fall in with them.
9. Parker concludes with his verdict against the mission plan, and in favor of the Bible plan.
6. Point out some of the particular evils that I view in the mission plan.
- The Baptist Board in their principle and practice have rebelled against the King of Zion, violated the government of the gospel church, and forfeited their right to the union, and brought distress on the Church of Christ. There are three points, viz.,
1. They have rebelled against the King of Zion, inasmuch as they have assumed an authority that Christ has reserved alone to himself.
2. They have violated the right of government of the Church of Christ in forming themselves into a body and acting without authority of the union.
3. They have forfeited their right to the Union by departing from the gospel plan and the common, constant, and constitutional faith and practice of the Baptist Church, and thereby brought distress on the Church of Christ.
A fourth point, and additional comments are then added.
7. And lastly, take a small view of the whole.
1. A recap of the above.
2. A glimpse of his observations of the differences in the Baptist Church thirty or forty years earlier, before the spirit of the world invaded the church with the modern mission system.

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