Explanation from the Minutes of the
Predestinarian Association of Tennessee
Predestinarian Association drops fellowship with Rocky Springs Church and Charles Whitten
This page was added only in part to make known why Rocky Springs Church and their pastor, Elder Charles Whitten, were removed from the Predestinarian Association.
Elder Charles Whitten and Bro. Bob Barton, members of Rocky Springs Church, went to Hollow Rock Church on March 7, 1998, to an ordination of three deacons. In the presbytery were at least two brethren who were out of order and have never been in order with the Old Line Primitive Baptists, and Elder Whitten chose to sit in the ordination anyway.
He was asked to apologize if he was sorry and to promise not to do it again, which he would not do, even after much labor. It makes us sad because of the many friends that have been led to believe and practice things that have never been practiced in this Association that has been in sessions for one hundred sixty-one years. Neither has it been practiced by the Primitive Baptists in general.
On March 20, 1998, a letter was sent to Rocky Springs Primitive Baptist Church stating that, if no correction was made and they continued with Elder Whitten, it would cause the loss of our fellowship. We did not receive an apology for this error.
We pray for Zion to be blessed with God's grace and a returning to the old paths for which we can all be together again.
(This action was taken on July 14, 1998, by the churches of the Predestinarian Association.)
West Plains Church withdraws fellowship from Elder T. L. Webb Jr., Elder Loyce Fuller, and Elder Garland Broadway.
On October 4, 1998, West Plains Church, near Milan, Tennessee, dropped fellowship with Elders T. L. Webb, Jr., Loyce Fuller, and Garland Broadway, for disregarding the action of the Predestinarian Association and filling appointments at Rocky Springs Church.
This page maintained by:
Robert Webb