A Summary of Our Research on Church Records and Periodicals

Our computer database now includes:

1 - Over 71,000 names of past and present members of Primitive Baptist Churches, taken primarily from our collection of over 250 church records. The majority of these are for churches in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Virginia, Ohio, and Iowa. Our database also includes some names for churches in about thirty other states. (The number, of course, represents a very small fraction of the members which would be included if we had all the records for all of these states.)

2 - Over 14,000 association minutes from various parts of the United States;

3 - Over 41,000 obituaries, in all-year computer indexes, from the annual indexes published in many of our church papers; and

4 - Over 2,900 marriages, a recent start; taken from ministers' journals, and from announcements in our church papers. There are thousands more of such entries, not yet indexed.

This page maintained by: Robert Webb - (bwebb9@juno.com)