Proof of Sessions and Information regarding the Sangamon
Association, for the Years 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1829, and 1830
(although the minutes for these years have been lost):

1823 Held with Lick Creek Church, Sangamon County (at the home of Simon Lindley)(a portion of the 1823 minutes appear in the Association record book).
Minutes of the Illinois Association for 1823 state: "We agree to divide the Association, and brethren Thomas Ray, Abel Moore and Simon Lindley, be a committee to designate the line of division, who report that Providence, Clear Spring, and Hurricane Fork churches, and all the churches north of them, to form a new Association, to hold their first meeting at Lick Creek church, Sangamon county, Illinois, on the 4th Saturday of October next, which was agreed to, and Elders William Jones, William Kinney, Thomas Ray, Alexander Conlee and Joseph Chance, were appointed a committee to meet the new Association at their next meeting, to assist them in forming their constitution.
The Tenth Article of Faith, adopted at the Constitution, on October 25, 1823: "It shall be the duty of the Association to debar from a seat any United Baptist, who is a member of any missionary society." (Peck says it was adopted as a Rule of Decorum, by a majority of one vote, and the same majority then placed it among the Articles of Faith (the tenth article) which had been made unalterable without a unanimous vote. The partial minute does not record either the Articles of Faith or Rules of Decorum.
Further proof that the Sangamon Association was organized in October 1823 is found in the minutes of Illinois Association for 1824, which state that a report was received from the brethren who had been appointed to help organize a new association (Sangamon)the previous year.
John Mason Peck, discouraged by the attitude manifested by the Illinois Baptists toward the modern mission system, wrote [ca. 1823] concerning the Sangamon Association as follows: "I lately learned, much to my disappointment, that the new association up the Illinois river [the Sangamon] has made a rule to debar missionaries from a seat. Several of the friends of missions were prevented by sickness from attending at its formation, hence this untoward result. Oh, tell it not in Gath."
Peck's interpretation of what took place in the Sangamon Association (as given in Babcock) is stated as follows: "A little association had been formed; and after a hard struggle, and by a bare majority, an article was adopted of this purport: 'It shall be the duty of the association to debar from a seat any [United] Baptist who is a member of any missionary society.' By a previous act they had made their articles of faith, and provided that they could not be altered except by a unanimous vote, and then appended this little anti-mission and unscriptural rule by a majority of one to their articles of faith. At that time, and for ever after, there was a large majority of members in the churches opposed to the rule, but they could not rid the association of it, as long as one selfish, crotchety member remained."

Calendar of Association meetings for 1823:
Illinois Association met August 23-25, 1823; Sangamon Association met October 25, 1823.

** 1824 (Place of meeting unknown).
Since the Illinois Association met in 1824 BEFORE the Sangamon Association, no proof is afforded that the Sangamon met this year by the Illinois Association minutes. However, the Minutes of the Illinois Association for 1824, state: "Received a letter from the Sangamo Association, by the hand of their messenger, Aaron Smith, praying for a correspondence with us, which was granted and their messenger took his seat with us." Also, "Appointed Bro. Job Badgley [to write a letter of correspondence] to the Sangamo Association," and James Long, John Smith, and Samuel Wood were appointed to bear it.

Calendar of Association meetings for 1824:
The Illinois Association met 4th Sat. in August 1824, and two following days; the Sangamon Association probably met on the 2nd weekend in September 1824.

** 1825 (Place of meeting unknown).
Evidence that the Sangamon Association met in 1825 is found in the Minutes of the Illinois Association for 1825, which state: "We received a Letter of Correspondence from the Sangamo Association." Also, a corresponding letter was written to the Sangamo, and sent "by the hand of William Jones, Thomas Ray, James Long, John Rowe, and James Tunnell." Since the Illinois Association meeting was held at a different time in 1825, there were probably two sessions of the Sangamon Association BETWEEN the 1824 and 1825 sessions of the Illinois Association. The Muddy River Association received a petition from Sangamon Association on third weekend in September 1825, but did not grant the correspondence, but agreed to "request them to reconsider the 10th Article of their Principles."

Calendar of Association meetings for 1825:
Sangamon Association probably met on the 2nd weekend in September 1825; Muddy River Association met the 3rd weekend in September, 1825; Illinois Association met the fourth weekend, or September 24-26, 1825.

** 1826 Held with Lick Creek Church, Sangamon County, at the home of Simon Lindley).
Proof that the Sangamon Association convened in 1826 is found in the 1826 minutes of the Illinois Association, which state: "Received a Letter of Correspondence from the Sangamon Association, by the hands of their Messengers, Elder Aaron Smith, and Brother John Finley, who were invited and took seats with us." Elders William Jones and Thomas Ray were appointed as messengers to bear a letter of correspondence to the 1827 session of the Sangamon Association.
John M. Peck (a mission advocate) wrote: "So much dissatisfaction was manifested, and so general and repeated were the remonstrances of the churches, that in 1826, the Association was disorganized, a convention of the churches was called, and a new constitution formed, from which the offensive article was expunged." Later, he says, "The Sangamon Association, at its reorganization in 1826, struck out the "tenth article." He further states, that an agreement was then made that hereafter the mission question should be no bar to fellowship. But he admits that it was only an informal, verbal agreement, which he says was generally understood.

Calendar of Association meetings for 1826:
Sangamon Association probably met on the 2nd weekend in September 1826; Illinois Association met September 23-25, 1826.

** 1827 (Place of meeting unknown).
Proof that the Sangamon Association convened in 1827 is found in the Minutes of the Illinois Association for 1827, which state: "Also, a letter from the Sangamon Association by the hands of their Messenger, Bro. William Thompson, who was invited, and took a seat with us." Messengers appointed to attend and bear a letter of correspondence to the 1828 session of Sangamon Association were Elders Thomas Ray, John Ralls, William Jones, and Alexander Conlee.

Calendar of Association meetings for 1827:
Illinois Association met September 22-24, 1827; Sangamon Association probably met on the 2nd weekend in September 1827.

1828 (Minutes are recorded in the manuscript record book.)
Held with Union Church, Morgan County. At this session, the Sangamon Association adopted the following: "We recommend the Association to insert the following words in the Rules of Decorum - We will have no correspondence with the Board of Foreign Missions, or its branches, directly or indirectly."

Calendar of Association meetings for 1828:
Illinois Association met September 27-29, 1828; Sangamon Association met September 13-15, 1828.

** 1829 Held with South Fork of Mauvaisterre Church, Morgan County.
Proof that the Sangamon Association convened in 1829 is found in the Minutes of the Illinois Association for 1829, which state: "Received correspondence from the Sangamo Association by Elders Aaron Smith and John Baugh, who took their seats with us." "Corresponding letter to Sangamo read and received and Brethren Zadock Barrow, William Jones Sr., and Abraham Badgley to bear the same." The Circular Letter of the Illinois Association for 1829, says, "Dear Brethren, we are much gratified to inform you that the Sangamon Association, which receded from this Association in 1823, has, as we have been informed, at her late annual meeting held in Morgan County near Jacksonville, received in addition to her former number, eleven churches, nine of which were newly constituted, making all her number thirty churches. This growth and prosperity of an association planted in a section of country which ten years ago did scarcely contain twenty families is an evidence that the footsteps of the Redeemer is plainly to be seen in this land so much (by some) talked of darkness."

Calendar of Association meetings in 1829:
Sangamon Association probably met 2nd Sat. in September 1829; Illinois Association met September 26-28, 1829.

** 1830 Held with Mauvaisterre Church, Morgan County.
The Wabash Association received a petition from Sangamon Association on October 2, 1830, and although the messengers failed to arrive, the correspondence was accepted based on a report from Elder R. M. Newport, and a letter from Elder Aaron Vandeveer. The Illinois Association minutes state: "Received a letter of Correspondence from the Sangamo Association by the hands of their messengers Brethren Graham Jackson and Thomas Lee, who took their seats with us." Elders Alexander Conlee, James Smith, and Brother John Powell were appointed to bear the letter to the Sangamon.
The Sangamon Association, in 1830, divided into five associations, viz., Sangamon, Spoon River, Kaskaskia, Morgan, and Apple Creek. Kaskaskia and Apple Creek were organized in the fall of 1830; Spoon River may have been organized in the fall of 1830, but more likely not until September 1831; the Morgan was organized on April 29, 1831.
We quote the following from an article written for the Western Baptist, p.10, by Elder Aaron Vandeveer in 1830: "The Sangamon Association, Ill., met with the Mauvaisterre Church, five miles above Jacksonville, Ill., on September 11th and
following days. It consists of 39 churches, 29 preachers, and about 1,100 members. These churches were formed mostly from emigrants within nine years past. Eleven new churches were added, and 111 baptized the past year, of which 81 were baptized in 7 churches. The rest complain of coldness. After a series of struggles, the Association in 1826 decided that the mission question should not be a bar to fellowship, and yet there are churches in Greene Co., and perhaps in other parts that refuse to fellowship all Baptists who are connected with missions. The body divided at its late session, and eventually five associations will grow out of it. Some of these will be liberal in principles. The next session to be held on Spring Creek, Sangamon Co., the 4th Saturday in May next."

Calendar of Association meetings for 1830:
Sangamon Association met September 11-13, 1830; Illinois Association met September 25-27, 1830; Wabash Association met October 2,1830; Kaskaskia Association, in October 1830; Apple Creek Association, November 2, 1830.

1831 (Manuscript record books include the May 1831 minutes, which began the fourth Saturday in May.)
Held with Spring Creek Church, Sangamon County. The 1831 printed minutes (but not the manuscript minutes) of the Sangamon Association included a Circular, warning the churches against the "Money hunters, title sellers, the supporters of the missionary spirit in any or all their plans, forms and ways," and adding, "they should be rejected by you as the enemies of the truth and the Church of God." The Illinois Association in 1831 received correspondence from the Sangamon Association (by the hands of William Kendall), and from the Apple Creek and Kaskaskia Associations. The Sangamon Association in May 1831 received correspondence from Morgan, Okaw, and Wabash District Associations.

Calendar of Association meetings for 1831:
Morgan Association was organized April 29, 30, and May 1, 1831, and met again in the late Summer or Fall of 1831; Okaw Association was organized May 20, 1831; Sangamon Association met on the 4th Saturday in May 1831; Illinois Association met October 1-3, 1831; Wabash District Association met on Saturday before the first Lord's Day in October 1831.

1832 (Manuscript minutes are recorded in the record book.)
Held with New Salem Church, Sangamon (now Menard)County. At this session, the Sangamon Association "Received a letter by Brethren Nathaniel Harris and Richard Black praying of a correspondence with us. The subject was taken up, but as it appeared the corrupting errors of the modern mission system, and some of its kindred institutions are making some confusion in that body, we decline opening of a correspondence with them for the present; yet believing that there are sound and precious brethren who stand united with us in opposing the above errors, we agree to send them a friendly letter, and brethren, to inform them that, So soon as they can cleanse themselves of the above errors, we are willing to open a friendly correspondence with them, and we are willing in the meantime to afford all the assistance we can. Appointed to bear the letter to Spoon River Association, brethren William Kendoll, Charles Vandeveer, John Watkins, William Armstrong, and Thomas Plasters. 11. The Constitution and rules of decorum to be entered in the Association book. 12th. The Articles of faith to be printed with the Minutes."

1833 Held with the Springfield Church, Sangamon County.

1834 Held with Liberty Church, Sangamon County. We now have a copy of the printed minutes for this year.

1835 Held with Lake Fork Church, (in what became) Logan County.

1836 Held with Pleasant Grove Church, Tazewell County.
These Minutes are recorded in manuscript record book of the Sangamon Association. In 1836, "Monday, September 12th, met pursuant to adjournment and after praise proceeded to business. 5th. The request of Morgan Association considered. Resolved, that we declare non-fellowship with the modern missionary system and all its kindred institutions. Resolved, that we advise the different churches composing this association to rid themselves of the Modern Missionary System and all its kindred institutions."

1837 Held with Spring Creek Church, Sangamon County.
These Minutes are recorded in the manuscript record book of the Sangamon Association. Quote: In 1837, "Monday, 9 o'clock a.m., September 11th, 1837. The Association met pursuant to adjournment. 14th. Agreed to attend to the request from Springfield Church, which is, for this Association to rescind some of our Resolutions passed at her last session. 15th. On motion, and second, we drop from the Minutes of this Association the Springfield Church, for having departed from the faith and practice of this Association. 16. On motion, and second, Clary's Grove Church is dropped from the minutes of this Association for favoring the missionary principles."

The Sangamon Associations manuscript record book continues into the 1880's. Copies of most of the annual printed minutes after that date, until the Association dissolved in 1914, have also been located, and are summarized in a statistical table which appears near the end of this book.


The Association flourished from the beginning, in spite of some conflict over the introduction of the modern mission system. The number of churches increased from eight in 1823 to nineteen in 1828. In the year 1829, a remarkable record of prosperity was reported: eleven churches, including nine churches newly organized, were added to the Association, making the total number of churches 30 (thirty) in number. In the year 1830, nine more churches were added, bringing the total to 39 churches, at which time it was decided to divide the Association into five Associations, viz., Sangamon, Morgan, Apple Creek, Spoon River, and Kaskaskia. After this had been done, the Sangamon Association still had sixteen churches, in May 1831.

A history of the "Springfield Baptist Association" written by Edwin S. Walker, A.M., published in the year 1881, says (in its preface) "The most scrupulous care has been taken to preserve historical data, and to secure accuracy of statement upon every point within the sphere of inquiry proposed." However, in spite of this claim of meticulous accuracy, the "Introduction" begins by saying that the Springfield Church was organized on July 17, 1830, with eight charter members, and that "during the first year of its history, the church united with the Sangamon Association, which organization was made up of five or six small Anti-Mission Churches in the vicinity. During the pastorate of Elder Vandeveer there were ten additions to the church by baptism and eighty by letter and experience. In no essential particular did the church at that time differ from other Anti-Mission Churches in the Association."

The glaring inaccuracy of the above statement is very apparent from a mere cursory glance at the actual records of the Sangamon Association at that time. In 1830, the year the Springfield church was organized, instead of having five or six small churches, as this missionary Baptist historian says, the Sangamon Association had no less than 39 churches with approximately 1,100 members.

Minutes of the Sangamon
United (later Regular) Baptist Association

1823 - 1837


Held With Lick Creek Church, Sangamon County, Illinois, October 25, 26, and 27, 1823.

The formation of the United Baptist Association, done at the house of Simon Lindley, in Sangamon County, Illinois, on Saturday, October 25th, 1823.

The messengers from the different churches met and proceeded to form a summary of principles and rules of decorum for the government of Sangamon United Baptist Association.

After divine worship by Elder William Jones, proceeded to business.

1. Elder Jonathan Sweet chosen moderator and Simon Lindley clerk.
2. The letters from the different churches called for and their names enrolled.


County Church Messengers No. in fellowship
Montgomery Hurricane Fork, Henry Sears, Joseph Wright. 16
Greene Providence, John Drum, Lewis Crane, Calvin Tunnell, Aaron Smith. 29
Greene Apple Creek, Richard Griffin, Charles Kitchens.
Sangamon Richland, William Roberts, Strother Ball, Claibourn Jones, John Ray.
Sangamon Lick Creek, Simon Lindley, Adin E. Meacham, John Briscoe.
Morgan Indian Creek, Samuel Bristow, William Miller, Joshua Crow.
Morgan Diamond Grove, Jonathan Sweet.
Montgomery Clear Spring, John Jordan, Thomas Mathews, James Street.

The messengers from the above named churches proceeded to adopt the following rules of decorum (to wit) with the articles of faith.


10. It shall be the duty of the Association to debar from a seat any United Baptist, who is a member of any missionary society.


Held at Union Meeting House, Morgan County, Illinois, September 13, 14, and 15, 1828.

1st. Elder John Morris preached the introductory sermon from Eph. 5th chap. 2 first verses.
2nd. Samuel Bristow chosen moderator, and William Kendoll, clerk.
3rd. Letters from following churches were read, and the messengers names enrolled.


Calvin Tunnell, Elisha Stout, Thomas Carlin* 20
Apple Creek
AARON SMITH, Charles Catching, David Hudson 52
Indian Creek
Peter Conover, John Biddlecom, John Wilson 26
Spring Creek
Stephen Pool*, Thomas Burnett, George Davenport* 39
MICHAEL MANN, Samuel Howell 34
Clear Creek
Thomas Mathews, Benjamin Mathews, John Ray 11
Sandy Creek
Jesse Sitten, Jesse Ellege, David Casebier 60
JOHN MORRIS, William D. Morris, Henry Kinney 18
Sugar Creek
Samuel Hutton, Henry Levi, Abraham Kisler 17
South Fork of Mauvaisterre
WILLIAM GRIMSLEY, Joseph Buckhannon, Joseph Walters 24
SAMUEL BRISTOW, Frederick Bolinger, John Foster 80
Clear Spring
JAMES STREET, John Yokum, Gilford Parrish 18
Head of Apple Creek
WILLIAM RODGERS, Isaac Conlee, John Lee 17
Samuel Beeman, James Moore 16
Lake Fork
HIRAM BOWMAN, James Turley 16
Taylor's Creek
Thomas Lee, John Finley, James Miller 20
Crane Creek
Richard Black, William Stephens 21
Diamond Grove
Jonathan Sweet, Paris Holmes, James Smith --

Totals . . . 537

Island Grove Church desolved in fellowship.
Messengers names marked thus * were absent.

4th. A door opened for the reception of churches into the Afsociation.
5th. The last six enrolled churches: The Head of Apple Creek, Hopewell, Lake Fork of Salt Creek, Taylor's Creek, Crane Creek, Diamond Grove, were received into union with this Afsociation as part of the body.
6th. Correspondent letters called for and received Elder Thomas Ray, Alexander Conlee, William Jones, and John Jones, who were invited to take seats with us. Elder Aaron Smith to write to the Illinois Afsociation, and Bro. Calvin Tunnell, to write to the Wabash Afsociation.
7th. Brethren John Morris, Aaron Smith, William Grimsley, Austin Sims, and James Street, with the moderator and clerk, were appointed a committee to arrange the business of the Afsociation
against Monday, 10 o'clock a.m.
8th. The ministers to make their own arrangements to fill the stand on Sunday the 14th.
9th. The Association adjourned until Monday 10 o'clock a.m.
10th. Lord's Day, the stand was occupied as follows - Elder Michael Mann, preached from Galatians 3rd chapter, 18th verse. Elder Thomas Ray, from the first epistle of Peter, 2nd chapter,
3rd verse. Elder William Grimsley, from Acts 13th chapter, 38th and 39th verses.

Monday, the 15th.
The Association met agreeably to adjournment, and after prayer proceeded to business.
1st. The committee of arrangements made their report were were discharged.
2nd. The petition in the letter from Providence was taken up and read, respecting of an omission in the Minute of 1826, that it was done by mistake of the clerk, and notintentionally.
3rd. Has the Afsociation power to reconsider her former acts? Answer. She has.
4th. Did the Convention that met at Lick Creek act in conformity to the Constitution? Answer. They did.
5th. The former discussion, or answer on the petition on the letter from Providence, shall suffice as an answer to the letter from Apple Creek.
6th. The Afsociation to be held on the second Saturday in September 1829, at the South Fork of Mauvaisterre meeting house.

7th. Correspondent letter to Illinois Afsociation received and read. Brethren Thomas Lee, William Crow, John Finley, to bear the letter to the Wabash. Elder Aaron Smith, and James Street, to bear the letter of correspondence to the Illinois Afsociation.
8th. We recommend the Afsociation insert the following words in the Rules of Decorum: "We will have no correspondence with the Board of Foreign Missions, or its branches, directly or
9th. For the future, the Afsociation, agrees to receive churches into union with her, by a majority of two thirds of the members then present.
10th. Brother Michael Mann to preach the introductory sermon next year. In case of failure, Brother William Crow.
11th. The clerk to superintend the printing 200 copies of the Minutes of the Afsociation.
12th. The committee appointed to labour with brethren dissatisfied with the Diamond Grove Church last year, made their report and were discharged.
13th. The clerk to have the overplus of money in his hands, after paying for printing of the Minutes, as a compensation.
14th. The clerk received $7.47 cts of the Afsociation.
15th. The Afsociation adjourns until the 2nd Saturday in September 1829.

Samuel Bristow, Moderator
William Kendoll, Clerk


Held at Spring Creek, Sangamon County, Illinois, commencing on the fourth Saturday in May 1831.

Introductory sermon delivered by Elder John Morris from 1st Peter, 5th chap., 2nd. verse. Letters from sixteen churches read, and their Mefsengers names enrolled.

N. B. Ordained ministers names in small capitals, licentiates in italics.

Churches Mefsengers Names

Richland, E. Perkins, S. Scott, F. Stinker, 12

Spring Creek, J. Kendall, Stephen Pool, William Kendall 35

Liberty, JOHN MORRIS, Henry Kinney, Robert Campbell 56

Bethel, MICHAEL MANN, C. HARPER, J. Dunlap 30

Sugar Creek, S. Hutton, A. Kigler, E. Weaver 22

Lake Fork, William Copeland, Charles Barney 37

Salt Creek, Philip Snider, S. Wood, S. Evans 31

Salem, THOMAS PLASTERS, William Watkins, H. Armstrong,
John Watkins 51


Salem Sugar Creek, Alex. Jones, S. Lolly, William Richardson 31

Springfield, John Owens, Harmon Haggard, J. Crowder 36

North Fork Sangamon, John Smith, Patterson Heaton 27

Lick Creek, E. Hinslow, Lewis Richardson 20

Clary's Grove, George Spears, Williamson Trent 34

South Fork, CHRISTOPHER STAFFORD, Jewel Stafford 7

Horse Creek, Thomas Westbrook, Henry West 16

Totals . . . 499

2nd. Chose Elders John Morris, moderator and Aaron Vandeveer, clerk.
3rd. Horse Creek, Clary's Grove, and South Fork Churches received into union.
4th. Corresponding letters from the Wabash District, by Elders D. Parker, R. M. Newport, and Shelton Alphin, who were invited to seats with us; Alexander Conlee and William Powell, from
Illinois Afsociation, who were invited to seats with us.
5th. Received letters from Okaw and Morgan Afsociations, praying a correspondence with us, which was complied with, by the Mefsengers Evan Douthard, and Benjamin Parker, being invited to seats with us. Mefsengers, William Crow and James Murphy from Morgan invited to seats with us.
6th. The Circular letter read and referred to the committee of arrangements.
7th. The moderator and clerk, with William Watkins, Thomas Plasters, and Michael Mann, appointed a committee to arrange the business for Monday.
8th. Brethren to write corresponding letters, Michael Mann, to Wabash District, William Kendoll to Illinois, Charles Harper to Morgan, A. Vandeveer to Okaw.

9th. Daniel Parker, R. M. Newport, A. Vandeveer to preach tomorrow.
10th. Next Afsociation to be holden at Salem, west of Springfield, Sangamon County, commencing the Saturday before the second Sunday in September 1832, at 10 o'clock a.m. and Elder Charles Vandeveer to preach the introductory, and in case of failure, Elder Mann.
11th. Adjourned till Monday 9 o'clock a.m.
12th. Lord's Day, Elders A. Vandeveer, D. Parker, R. M. Newport, preached to a large and well composed congregation.
13th. Monday 9 o'clock a.m. met pursuant to adjournment, and the committee made their report, which was received.
14th. Circular letter read and received.
15th. Corresponding letters read, and mefsengers to bear the same, to wit, A. Vandeveer, R. Campbell, C. Stafford, Charles Harper, to Wabash District, A. Vandeveer, Williamson Trent, C.
Vandeveer, Charles Harper, to Okaw; John Morris, H. Kinney, Robert Campbell, John Watkins, to Morgan; William Kendoll to Illinois.
16th. John Morris, to write the next Circular.
17th. A request to print the Constitution and Articles of Faith with the Minutes, referred to the Churches, requesting them to authorize their mefsengers to amend the same, if thought
18th. Remaining in the hands of the former clerk $11.12 1/2,
$3.00 of which be allowed for the service of the former clerk.
The balance to be equally divided between Sangamon, Morgan, and Apple Creek Afsociations. William Kendoll to superintend the dividing of the same.
19th. Money collected for printing the minutes, and William Kendoll to superintend the same, and appropriate all the money in his hands for minutes, retaining 100 copies for the use of
corresponding associations.

John Morris, moderator
Aaron Vandeveer, clerk.


Minutes of the Sangamon United Baptist Afsociation,
Begun and held at Salem Meeting House, Sangamon County, Illinois, September 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1832.

Saturday, September 8th, Elder Charles Vandeveer preached the introductory sermon from Luke 19th ch., 10th vs., For the Son of Man, &c.

CHURCHES Mefsengers Names Tot. No.
RICHLAND Shadrach Scott, Edw. Perkins 15
SPRING CREEK John Kendall, David Sims, Wm. Kendall 29
LIBERTY JOHN MORRIS, William Gibson 33
BETHEL Samuel Howell, Samuel Hendrick 28
LAKE FORK James Turley, Robert Cass, Carter Scroggin 33
John Watkins, David Brunk 51
SALEM SUGAR CREEK Alex Garrison, Stephen Lolly, Alex Meridith 32
SPRINGFIELD John Owens, James Ogden 65
LICK CREEK Lewis Richardson, Aza Boen 22
CLARY'S GROVE Samuel Combs, George Spears, Williamson Trent 35
HORSE CREEK Thomas Westbrook, Leonard Fry 21
SUGAR CREEK Not represented NS
SALT CREEK Not represented NS
LITTLE FLOCK James Watkins, William Armstrong NS
N. B. - The two last churches received into union.

2nd. Elder John Morris chosen Moderator and William Kendoll, Clerk.
3rd. Opened a door for the reception of churches. Received Little Flock and Union churches and their mefsengers invited to a seat.
4th. Corresponding letters called for and received
1st, From Wabash by Elder Richard M. Newport
2nd, From Okaw, by Evan Douthit.
3rd, From Illinois by Alexander Conlee.
4th, From Morgan, Elders William Crow and Micajah Rowland, Austin Sims and Thomas Watkins.
The mefsengers invited to seats and to act freely with us.
5th. Circular letter called for, read, and reported to the committee of arrangements.
6th. Appointed brethren to write to the corresponding Afsociations. 1st., C. Vandeveer to Wabash. 2nd., W. L. Mitchum to Okaw. 3rd., John Owens to Illinois. 4th., Robert Campbell to
Morgan. 5th. Frederick Stinker to Apple Creek.
7th. Received a friendly letter from Spoon River Afsociation, praying a correspondence by brethren Nathaniel Harris and Richard Black, and they were invited to seats with us.
8th. Committee of arrangements, Elders Charles Vandeveer, Thomas Plasters, Willis L. Mitchum, with the moderator and clerk.
9th. Brethren Newport, Conlee, Morris, appointed to fill the stand tomorrow. On Lord's Day, September the 9th, Elder John Morris preached from 1st John verse 20th. Elder Alexander Conlee,
from Isaiah 37th, v. 13th. Elder R. M. Newport, from John 3rd and 36th. to a large and well composed congregation.

10th. Met Monday, Sept. 10th, pursuant to adjournment, and after praise, proceeded to business.
1st. The committee of arrangements made their report and was discharged.
2nd. The letter to Morgan Afsociation was read and received, Brethren Hugh Armstrong and Alex. Garrison appointed to bear the same.
3rd. Letter to Wabash Afsociation. Elder John Morris to bear the same.
4th. Letter to Okaw Afsociation read and received. James Ogden to bear the same.
5th. Letter to Illinois Afsociation read and received. Alex. Garrison to bear the same.
6th. Letter to Apple Creek Afsociaton read and received. Elder John Morris to bear the same.
7th. Received a letter by brethren Nathaniel Harris and Richard Black praying of a correspondence with us. The subject was taken up, but as it appeared the corrupting errors of the modern mission system, and some of its kindred institutions are making some confusion in that body, we decline opening of a correspondence with them for the present; yet believing that there are sound and precious brethren who stand united with us in opposing the above errors, we agree to send them a friendly letter, and brethren, to inform them that, So soon as they can cleanse themselves of the above errors, we are willing to open a friendly correspondence with them, and we are willing in the meantime to afford all the assistance we can. Appointed to bear the letter to Spoon River Afsociation, brethren William Kendoll,
Charles Vandeveer, John Watkins, William Armstrong, Thomas Plasters.
8th. The next Afsociation to be held in Springfield, commencing the Saturday before the second Sunday in September 1833.

9th. Who shall preach the next Introductory sermon. Elder John Morris. In case of failure, Elder Aaron Vandeveer.
10th. The clerk to superintend the printing of the Minutes, and distribute the same in proportion to the amount of money received from each church, so that every member of the Afsociation may have a copy, and one hundred copies to be retained in the hand of the clerk to be sent to corresponding Afsociations.
11th. The Constitution and Rules of Decorum to be entered in the Afsociation Book.
12th. The Articles of Faith to be printed with the Minutes.
13th. The names of Elders to be in small capitals. Adjourned till ten o'clock the Saturday before the second Sunday in September 1833.

John Morris, Moderator.
William Kendoll, Clerk.


Minutes of the Sangamon Afsociation of United Baptists,
Held at Springfield, commencing the Saturday before the Second Lord's Day in September, A. D. 1833.

The introductory sermon by Elder Aaron Vandeveer, from 2nd Timothy, 2nd chapter, and 15th verse.
N. B. Ordained Ministers names in Small Capitals; Licentiates, in Roman; and Mefsengers in Italicks.


SPRING CREEK William Kendall, Tandy James, Allen Hamilton 31
LIBERTY JOHN MORRIS, Henry Kinney, S. Chitten 30
NEW SALEM THOMAS PLAISTERS, Hugh Armstrong, J. Watkins 41
LAKE FORK CHARLES HARPER, James Turley, Robert Cass 34
SALEM SUGAR CREEK Reuben Short, P. Wright, William Richardson 36
LICK CREEK James Wood 18
SPRINGFIELD John Owens, Harman Haggard, James Ogden 50
LITTLE FLOCK John Taylor No letter. - -
CLARY'S GROVE J. M. Bingley, Williamson Trent - -
NORTH FORK Barton Robertson 40
PROVIDENCE William Weaver, Achilles Deatherage 18
BIG GROVE I. Hoblit, Lewis Dickerson, HIRAM BOWMAN 17
PLEASANT GROVE J. Lucas, __ Fisher, Thomas Goforth 38
SOUTH FORK B. Fields 17
SALT CREEK A letter but no mefsenger 13
Total 446

1st. Chose Elder John Morris, Moderator, and Aaron Vandeveer, Clerk.
2nd. Providence, Big Grove, and Pleasant Grove churches, being found orderly and orthodox in their faith were received into the union, and their mefsengers took their seats.
3rd. Corresponding letters, from Spoon River, by Squire Wilcoxen.
From Kaskaskia, Elder Henry Sears, who presented us with the minutes of that Afsociation which informed us of an order of that Afsociation to open a correspondence with us. Wherefore agreed to correspond with them by letter and mefsengers. Received Bro. Sears, took his seat with us. From Wabash District by Elder R. M. Newport, and Aaron Vandeveer to prepare a letter to that
Afsociation. From Okaw by the hand of Bro. Dawdy, and Charles Harper to prepare a letter to them. Elder Mann to prepare a letter to Spoon River.
4th. Elder Aaron Vandeveer and C. Harper to prepare a Circular addrefs to the churches, and present it on Monday.
5th. The moderator and clerk together with Elders Michael Mann, Thomas Plasters, Hiram Bowman, appointed a committee to arrange the business for Monday.
6th. Appointed Elders John Morris, R. M. Newport, Michael Mann to preach tomorrow and adjourned until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Elders Mann and Newport preached on Lord's day in the Methodist Church and J. Morris and Aaron Vandeveer in the courthouse, to a large and well ordered congregation, where solemnity and much interest seemed to prevail.
7th. Met according to adjournment and the committee made its report and was discharged.
8th. Corresponding letters read, and mefsengers appointed to bear the same (to wit) to the Wabash District, A. Vandeveer, and Barton Robertson. To Spoon River, A. Vandeveer, R. Short,
William Kendall. To Kaskaskia, J. Morris, James Wood, Eli Mathews.
9th. The Circular Addrefs read and approved and ordered to be printed with the minutes.
10th. Elder Michael Mann to prepare the next Circular Letter.
11th. Next Afsociation to be held at Liberty Church, Lick Creek, 13 miles south of Springfield. Elder Mann to preach the Introductory sermon. And in case of failure Elder John Morris.
12th. A request from Salem church to change the title of the Afsociation from United, to Regular. The same referred to the churches requesting of them to advise the Afsociation in their letters, of their wish in the matter.
13th. Money collected to print the Minutes, and A. Vandeveer to superintend the same.
14th. Adjourned till the second Saturday in September 1834.

John Morris, Moderator
Aaron Vandeveer, Clerk.


Held at Liberty Church, Lick Creek, Sangamon County, Illinois, on the second Saturday, and Sunday and Monday following, in September, 1834.

Where the introductory sermon was delivered by Elder Michael Mann, from Matthew xv., 17th and 18th verses.


SPRING CREEK Wm. Kendoll, Wm. Kendoll Junr., John Kendoll 31
LIBERTY JOHN MORRIS, Henry Kinney, Robert Campbell 21
BETHEL MICHAEL MANN, Wm. King, Samuel Howell 21
NEW SALEM John Watkins, Thomas Wynne 37
LAKE FORK CHARLES HARPER, Robert Cass, James Turley 38
Reuben Short, Paschal Wright, Wm. Richardson 28
LICK CREEK James Wood 21
SPRINGFIELD James Owens, Thomas Goforth, John Crowder 58
PROVIDENCE David Simmons 19
SOUTH FORK Letter, but no mefsenger 11
RICHLAND Shadrack Scott, Claibourn Jones 12
HORSE CREEK C. VANDEVEER, S. Hutton, Leonard Fry 21
UNION WILLIS L. MITCHUM, C. Osbourn, Abram Foutch 22
CLARY'S GROVE Not represented
NORTH FORK Not represented
PLEASANT GROVE Not represented
SALT CREEK Not represented

N. B. Ordained ministers in Small Capitals. Licentiates in Italics.

1st. Chose Elder John Morris, Moderator, and Aaron Vandeveer, clerk.
2nd. Corrsponding letters from Spoon River neither letter nor mefsengers. From Kaskaskia, James Street. From Wabash District,
No intelligence. From Okaw, No intelligence. From Morgan, William Crow, Austin Sims, Richard Wood. From Apple Creek, Alexander Conlee, William Rogers.
3rd. Circular Letter read and received, and ordered to be printed wth the minutes.
4th. The Moderator and clerk, appointed, together with Michael Mann, Charles Harper, Hiram Bowman, a committee to arrange the business of the Afsociation for Monday.
5th. Appointed brethren to write to the corresponding Afsociations (to wit) Samuel Hutton Jun'r, to Spoon River. Charles Vandeveer to Kaskaskia. To Wabash District, Thomas Wynne. To Okaw, Reuben Short. To Apple Creek, Wm. Kendall. To Morgan, Hiram Bowman.
6th. Appointed James Street, William Crow, Aaron Vandeveer to preach tomorrow on the stand, and to commence at 10 o'clock a.m., and adjourned until Monday morning 7 o'clock a.m.
N. B. - Aaron Vandeveer, William Crow, and James Street, preached on Sunday to a large and well ordered congregation, where much interest prevailed.
7th. Monday morning, 7 o'clock. Met and after praise and prayer, proceeded to business, and the committee made their report and was discharged.
8th. Corresponding letters read and mefsengers appointed to bear the same, (to wit) To Spoon River, John Morris, S. Hutton. To Kaskaskia, James Wood. To the Wabash District, Aaron Vandeveer. To Okaw, Reuben Short. To Apple Creek, John Morris, Robert Campbell. Willis L. Mitchum, to Morgan.

9th. Willis L. Mitchum, Henry Kinney, C. Vandeveer to prepare the next Circular Letter.
10th. The next Afsociation to be held at Lake Fork, 20 miles N. E. of Springfield, commencing the second Saturday in September 1835, at 10 o'clock a.m., where the introductory sermon will be delivered by John Morris, and in case of failure by Charles Vandeveer.
11th. Money collected for printing the Minutes, and A. Vandeveer appointed to superintend the same and to have 413 copies printed.
12th. Adjourned till the second Saturday in September 1835.

John Morris, Moderator
Aaron Vandeveer, Clerk.


of the Sangamon United Baptist Association,
Begun and held at Lake Fork Meeting House, Sangamon County, Illinois, September 12th, 13th, 14th, 1835.

Saturday, September 12th. Elder Michael Mann preached the introductory sermon, from Hebrews 7th chapter and latter part of the 25th verse "but now once, in the end of the world, hath he
appeared, to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."


RICHLAND Robert Welborn 10
SPRING CREEK A letter but no messengers 32
BETHEL Michael Mann (O) 31
LAKE FORK R. Cass, C. Scroggins, and J. Turley 36
NEW SALEM J. Watkins, R. Bagby (L), T. Wynne 32
SPRINGFIELD I. Maxey, Jun'r., F. Vaughn 61
CLARY'S GROVE Samuel Combs 42
HORSE CREEK Not represented
HOREB Not represented
SUGAR CREEK Not represented
SALEM SUGAR CREEK Not represented
SALT CREEK Not represented
NORTH FORK Not represented
SOUTH FORK Not represented
LITTLE FLOCK John Taylor 23
UNION Jeremiah Suiter 21
PROVIDENCE Achilles Deatherage 17
BIG GROVE John Hoblit 17
PLEASANT GROVE A. Vanmeter, J. Mondon, and P. P. Lucas 54

1st. Elder Michael Mann was chosen moderator, and Elder Hiram Bowman clerk.
2nd. Opened a door for the reception of members.
3rd. Corresponding letters called for, read and received, from Spoon River, by Samuel Clark, and the messenger invited to a seat with us.
4th. From Wabash District, Okaw, Illinois, Morgan, Apple Creek, and Kaskaskia, no intelligence.
5th. Agree to send a letter to Spoon River Afsociation, also one to Morgan Afsociation, and Brother John Taylor to write the same.
6th. Committee of arrangements, James Turley, Jesse Mondon, Achilles Deatherage, with the moderator and clerk.
Adjourned until Monday, 10 o'clock a.m.

Sunday, September 13th. Elder Hiram Bowman preached from Col. 3rd chapter, 1st, 2nd, and 4th verses. Brother Robert Bagby, from 1st Peter, 1st chapter 3rd verse. Elder Michael Mann, from Luke 15th chapter, 22nd and 23rd verses.

Monday, September 14th. Met pursuant to adjournment, and after praise, proceeded to business.
1st. The committee of arrangements made their report and were discharged.
2nd. The Circular Letter called for, read, and received, and ordered to be printed with the minutes.
34d. The letter to Spoon River Afsociation was read and received. Brethren Jeremiah Suiter, Jefse Mondon, Elder Michael Mann, Elder Hiram Bowman, to bear the same.
4th. The letter to Morgan Afsociation called for, read and received, and Brother John Taylor to bear the same.
5th. Appoint Brother Hiram Bowman to write the next Circular.
6th. The next afsociation to be held at Pleasant Grove church, Tazewell County, on the second Saturday in September 1836, and Elder Michael Mann to preach the introductory sermon, and in case of failure, Elder John Morris, and in case of failure of both of the above, Elder Charles Vandeveer, and in case of his failure, Brother Robert Bagby.
7th. Appoint Brother Thomas Wynne to superintend the printing of the minutes.

N. B. The Spoon River Association meets with the Henderson Church, Knox County, Ill., on the 1st Saturday in September 1836. The Morgan Association meets with Clear Creek Church, on the 3rd Saturday in September 1835.

Adjourned until 10 o'clock a.m., Second Saturday in September A. D. 1836.

Michael Mann, Moderator
Hiram Bowman, Clerk.


Begun and held with the Pleasant Grove Church, Tazewell County, Illinois, September 10, 11, and 12, 1836.

Saturday, September 10th. Elder Robert Bagby preached the introductory sermon from Hebrews 4th chapter, 7th verse, "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."


RICHLAND Letter but no messengers. 11
SPRING CREEK J. Kendall, George Davenport 36
LAKE FORK Joseph Lucas, John Turner 31
NEW SALEM Robert Bagby (O), John Watkins 29
CLARY'S GROVE George Spears, Sr. 38
HORSE CREEK Leonard Fry, L. Westbrooks 19
LITTLE FLOCK Cyrus Wright (O) 25
PROVIDENCE Peter Wilkers, David Simmons 20
PLEASANT GROVE Thomas Brown (O), William Bocock (O),
A. N. Vanmeter, D. Roberts, P. P. Lucas 53
BETHEL Not represented.
SPRINGFIELD Not represented.
HOREB Not represented.
SALT CREEK Not represented.
NORTH FORK Not represented.
SOUTH FORK Not represented.
UNION Not represented.
BIG GROVE Not represented.
LIBERTY Not represented.
SANDY CREEK William E. Larkin, James Ash 9
PRECINCT Jeriel Root (O) 13
BETHEL ON MACKINAW John Darnall, J. B. Thompson 27

Note. The three last named churches being found orderly and orthodox, were admitted into our number on the petition as exhibited on the table.

1. Elder Cyrus Wright chosen Moderator, and Bro. D. Roberts Clerk.
2. A door opened for the reception of churches. The case of the Crow Creek church referred to our next annual meeting.
34d. Corresponding letters called for. Read and received from Spoon River Afsociation by the hand of Elder H. Bowman, and the mefsenger invited to a seat with us. Read and received from
Morgan Afsociation by Elder J. Ray and the mefsenger invited to a seat with us.
4th. From the Wabash District, Okaw, Illinois, Apple Creek, and Kaskaskia, no intelligence.
5th. Agree to send letters to the following Afsociations, (to wit) Spoon River, Morgan, Wabash District, Okaw, Illinois, Apple Creek, and Kaskaskia.
6th. Appointed Brs. A. N. Vanmeter, D. Roberts, R. Bagby, J. Root, J. B. Thompson, and Wm. Bocock, to write the letters for inspection on Monday.
7th. Committee of arrangements. R. Bagby, J. Root, W. E. Larkin, with Moderator and Clerk. Adjourned until Monday, 10 o'clock a.m.

Sunday, September 11th. Elder Cyrus Wright preached from Rev. 5th, 3rd verse, "Great and marvelous," &c., Elder J. Root, from Titus, 1st chapter, 2nd verse. Elder J. Ray, from Rev. 13th chap. 7th verse.

Monday, September 12th. Met pursuant to adjournment, and after praise, proceeded to business.
1st. The Committee of arrangements made their report, and was discharged.
2nd. Corresponding letters called for, Spoon River Afsociation read and received. Br. A. N. Vanmeter, Elder Wm. Bocock, Eder Cyrus Wright, to bear the same. Morgan Afsociation read and
received. Elder R. Bagby, Elder Cyrus Wright, John Watkins, John Kendall, to bear the same. Wabash District, read and received, Samuel Clark to bear the same. Okaw Afsociation read and
received, Samuel Clark to bear the same. Illinois Afsociation read and received, Elder R. Bagby to bear the same. Apple Creek Afsociation read and received, Elder R. Bagby and John Kendoll to bear the same.
3rd. Circular letter called for, read and received, and ordered to be printed with the minutes.
4th. Appointed Elder Jeriel Root to write the next Circular.
5th. The request of the New Salem, Richland and Little Flock Churches considered. Resolved, That our name be changed from United to Regular Baptist.
6th. The request of Morgan Afsociation considered. Resolved, That we declare non-fellowship with the modern mifsionary system and all its kindred institutions. Resolved, That we advise the different churches composing this Afsociation to rid themselves of the modern mifsionary system and all its kindred institutions.
7th. Appointed Elder William Bocock, Elder R. Bagby, Elder Cyrus Wright to visit Salt Creek Church.
8th. Resolved, that Sugar Creek and Salem Sugar Creek churches be left out of our minutes.
9th. The next Afsociation to be held with Spring Creek Church on the second Saturday in September, A. D. 1837, and Elder Cyrus Wright to preach the introductory sermon, and in case of failure, Elder Jeriel Root.
10th. Appointed Bro. D. Roberts to superintend the printing and distributing of the minutes.
Adjourned until 10 o'clock a.m. the second Saturday in September, A. D. 1837.

Cyrus Wright, Moderator
David Roberts, Clerk.


Begun and held with Spring Creek Church, Sangamon County, Illinois, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of September, 1837.

Introductory sermon delivered by Elder Cyrus Wright from 1st Corinthians, 1st Chapter, and 23rd and 24th verses.


RICHLAND Edward Perkins 9
SPRING CREEK N. Butler, J. Kendoll, A. Burnett 19
NEW SALEM ROBERT BAGBY, T. Wynne, J. Watkins 30
CLARY'S GROVE Sam. Combs, A. Bell, Levi Summers 55
HORSE CREEK T. Westbrook, B. L. Field, Leonard Fry 24
PROVIDENCE William R. Deatherage 25
BETHEL Joshua Dillon, Reuben Merriman 41
SPRINGFIELD J. MERRIAM, C. B. Francis, F. Vaughn, J. Crowder 76
HOREB No letter or messenger
SALT CREEK Not represented.
LIBERTY JOHN MORRIS, R. Campbell, B. Hinman --
LICK CREEK Levi Tucker, Thomas Hilyard 23

1st. Elder John Morris chosen Moderator, and Thomas Wynne, clerk.
2nd. A door opened for the reception of churches.
3rd. Corresponding letters called for, read and received, as follows (to wit),
1st. From Spoon River Afsociation, a letter by Elder Miner.
2nd. From Morgan Afsociation, letter by Elders William Crow, John Ray, and Bro. A. Sims. J. Buck, and M. Koons.
3rd. Illinois Association, correspondence dropped.
4th. Apple Creek Afsociation, letter by Elder William Rogers, John Record.
5th. Kaskaskia Afsociation, no letter nor mefsenger.
6th. A letter of correspondence from Salem Afsociation by Elder Elijah Bell. The Afsociation received the letter and mefsenger, and opened a correspondence with said Afsociation. The Elders and Mefsengers from the several corresponding associations, invited to a seat with us.
7th. Appoint brethren to write letters to the several corresponding Afsociations, (to wit),
1st. Elder R. Bagby, to Spoon River. 2nd. Elder J. Root, to Salem. 3rd. Bro. B. Hinman, to Apple Creek. 4th. Bro. Nathan Butler, to Morgan. 5th. Appoint Elder J. Root, and Bro. J. Watkins, Wm. E. Larkin, together with the Moderator and Clerk, a Committee of
arrangements for Monday next.
6th. Choose Elders William Crow, John Ray, John Record, to preach on tomorrow, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.
7th. Circular letter called for, read, and referred to the Committee of arrangements.
8th. The Afsociation adjourned until Monday 9 o'clock a.m.

On Sunday the stand was occupied first by Elder John Record, preached from Matt. 11th, 5th verse. Second, Elder William Crow, from Romans, 5th chapter, 3rd verse. Third, Elder John Ray, from Revelations, 17th chapter, 8th verse, to a large and attentive congregation.

Monday, 9 o'clck a.m. September 11th, 1837.
The Afsociation met pursuant to adjournment.
9th. The Committee of arrangements made their report, which was received and the committee discharged.
10th. Letters to the several corresponding Afsociations called for, read, and received.
1st. To Spoon River, Elders J. Root, Wm. Bocock, Cyrus Wright, to bear the same.
2nd. To Morgan, Elders Cyrus Wright, R. Bagby, and Brethren R. Campbell, N. Butler, to bear the letter.
3rd. To Apple Creek, Elders John Morris, Willis L. Mitchum, and Bro. Wm. E. Larkin to bear the letter.
4th. To Salem, Elders R. Bagby, Cyrus Wright, and Brethren John Kendoll, N. Butler to bear the same.
11th. Circular letter received, and ordered to be printed with the minutes.
12th. The next Afsociation to be held with Horse Creek Church, in Sangamon County, east of Springfield, on the second Saturday in September, 1838.
13th. Choose Elder R. Bagby to preach the next introductory sermon, and in case of failure Elder Cyrus Wright to preach.
14th. Agreed to attend to the request from Springfield Church, which is, for this Afsociation to rescind some of her resolutions pafsed at her last Afsociation.
15th. On motion, and second, we drop from the minutes of this Afsociation the Springfield Church, for having departed from the faith and practice of this Afsociation.
16th. On motion, and second, Clary's Grove Church is dropped from the minutes of this Afsociation for favoring the mifsionary principles.
17th. Appoint Elder R. Bagby, to write the next Circular letter.
18th. Appoint Bro. T. Wynne to superinted the printing of the minutes.
19th. The Afsociation adjourned until the second Saturday in September, 1838.

John Morris, Moderator
Thomas Wynne, Clerk.

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